Offer a Seminar
Presenting a seminar- The Sponsor and presenter can be one in the same or a special presenter can be brought in (upon Chamber approval). If you would like to offer our Chamber members information on a topic please remember you will need a Sponsor. Seminars are usually reserved for our breakfasts but exceptions can be made.
The presenter does not necessarily promote their business and prices but provides information (explains, demonstrates) about a service or services they offer and how it can be helpful to our member’s business. We find our members are very interested a variety of topics and how they can make business easier or save them money. Of course at the welcome table you can provide any promotional materials or banners you would like for your business. Nonmembers may be charged a fee when asking to present to our members. A seminar will need a sponsor if you are just offering information. Please see the requirements for sponsoring a our breakfasts on the sidebar.